Welcome to EssieCountry.com
Home of Real Country Music

Essie Country was created by Gene Johns.

I grew up listening to the music of my mother's choice,
which was "Country & Western" music. I've named this
website Essie Country to honor my Mom and her undying
loyalty to real country music.

I developed this site because of the kidnapping of the
country music genre by pop and hip-hop music. Real country
music has received less and less airtime on country music 
radio, as the pop and hip-hop influence, has taken over the country
music industry ignoring the outstanding real country
music talent that has become an underground industry.

I get it; pop and hip-hop sell better than real country music.
That's fine, but create a new genre for that type of music
and return country music radio to real country music

In the future, I will continue to develop this website and
promote real country music artists. Please return
regularly for updates to this website and to discover new

real country music artist worthy of being highlighted on
Essie Country.

~ Gene Johns